Thursday, October 28, 2010

Another Scrap Postcard....

....coming your way Sis! My heart just aches for you and the pain you must go through. I'm praying for you and for resolution of this whole situation and that the doctors get a move on! I'm glad your church has offered to help you, including monetarily. I know you will let them, won't you?? :)

(click for details)

Pulled out the scrap drawer and made a collage, added some different size hearts and then rubber stamped over it. I finished up with some mica chips sprinkled over it, not sure how they will hold up in the US Mail!

Any who read this and are praying people, please lift up my sister in prayer. She has had terrible back pain from a fall at work and the agencies involved have been dragging this out and acting like the government agencies they are! Grrrrrrrrrrrr................

1 comment:

  1. You are without a doubt a blessing from God! I adore you as my sister and the believer you are! I love the art!!! Can't wait to get it! Thanks for the prayers and I continue to send them up for y'all too! Yes I will let the church help but I told them to wait until I was in really dire straits, which I do believe is fast approaching, and I talked to Cathy so don't stress, I am learning to be a receiver and I will take the help. Love you bunches!!!


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